The New Zealand Institute of Dental Technologists promotes research and supports projects undertaken by individual practitioners and assists graduates undertaking research for advanced degrees.

Our profession is developing rapidly, and new technologies and materials have an enormous impact on the industry. We recognise the importance of research and support independent research done for our profession, by our profession.

The NZIDT Research Fund is managed by the CPD sub-committee, which makes recommendations to the executive. Funding will initially be up to a maximum of $5000 per year, with potential increases as a result of sponsorship.

Funding Objective

Research funding grants provide financial support for research projects related to dental technology and clinical dental technology that have a direct benefit to our membership.

The fund aims to promote the practice and science of dental technicians and clinical dental technicians in New Zealand.

Research support

The NZIDT has developed a relationship with the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Otago to gain access to University facilities available, for example testing equipment, library resources and expertise. Staff with a variety of specialities and expertise are available to support research projects.

Contact Ludwig Jansen van Vuuren to discuss potential research projects.

Funding criteria

Funding applications and award grants are selected based on their alignment with the Funding Objective and the project’s merit for NZIDT members. Applicants must be able to demonstrate their ability to complete high-quality research and have access to the correct resources to ensure a high likelihood of success.

Approved Research Projects

The following research projects were approved through the NZIDT Research Fund:

  • Dental laboratory services offered in New Zealand and industry
    This study aimed to identify the type and cost of dental laboratory work in New Zealand. It provided a snapshot of the current situation and outlined key economic information relating to the cost of dental treatment.
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